Reducing disaster risks and improving the nutrition situation in ‘Somaliland’
Project description
Title: Improving Disaster Risk Management and Food Security to Strengthen Resilience in ‘Somaliland’ (RDRM)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Somalia
Lead executing agency: Ministry of Planning and National Development (MoPND) in ‘Somaliland’
Overall term: 2020 to 2023
The rural population of ‘Somaliland’ suffers from increasing climate-related extreme events such as droughts, cyclones and floods. It is particularly vulnerable to climate-related events and external shocks due to the lack of natural resources, weak state institutions and frequent social conflicts.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the situation and had a negative impact on the region’s economy and society. The health system is currently unable to help patients in an appropriate manner and establish preventive structures to be better prepared for future pandemics.
The rural population and communities are better prepared for crises.

The project strengthens the capacity of state institutions to prevent and manage disaster risks. It also promotes the exchange of information and the economic, political and social participation of women and young people.
- The project supports national, regional and local disaster prevention. To this end, it is developing new procedures and expertise with the competent authority for disaster prevention and food security.
- It disseminates new methods for agriculture and livestock management, adapted to climate change. This improves food security for of the population in the three target regions.
- It increases the economic, political and social participation of women and young people in order to strengthen the resilience of these severely disadvantaged groups.
- It supports measures to mitigate the pandemic, improve hygiene and reduce health risks.
Last update: August 2021