Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dSkills@EA)
Project description
Title: Digital Skills for an Innovative East African Industry (dSkills@EA)
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Lead executing agency: Secretariat of the East African Community (EAC); Arusha (Tanzania), Implemented by the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)
Overall term: 2021 to 2025

The economy of the East African Community (EAC) is characterised by low productivity and low competitiveness, leading to high unemployment, especially among youth. Innovation and the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) by businesses are drivers of socio-economic development and international competitiveness. To unlock the potential of ICT for the economy and society of the EAC, the availability of digital skills and skilled workers with appropriate qualifications and innovation capacities is crucial. However, the universities do not serve the needs of the private sector and young innovators.
Employment and innovation related digital skills of young people in all East African Community Partner States are strengthened.

The project aims to:
- improve the quality of the practice-oriented Master’s programme and study-related offerings for young professionals in the EAC at the Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa through sustainable collaboration with the industry.
- set up successful demand-driven short courses and trainings in digital skills for the private and public sector that meet the needs of the industry.
- promote entrepreneurship activities and an innovation transfer to support the development of digital solutions at universities through a cooperation network of innovation hubs and the Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa.
Last Update: July 2021