A person raising her hand up.

Social cohesion

Young people, liveable cities and fair social systems strengthen societies from within. That promotes social cohesion in times of crisis.

Global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic change social interaction: they can create a sense of community or point to conflicts. Social inequalities become more visible – or even reinforced. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH thus particularly promotes social cohesion. In combination with the power to shape change in the present and adequate social security and health systems, sustainable development is possible.

GIZ’s work focuses on three priority areas: 

An illustration of people under an umbrella.
  • Young people are the driving force for the changes of tomorrow. GIZ thus supports young people to politically, economically and socially participate – for example by using their digital talents. 
  • Cities offer particular opportunities for boosting social cohesion. Therefore, GIZ involves both residents and decision-makers, creates meeting places and helps reduce economic inequalities.
  • GIZ assists in establishing and expanding technology-based, crisis-resilient social systems – always including disadvantaged groups. This promotes trust in democracy and equitable state institutions, creates access to education and fosters cohesion within civil society.

Additional information

Our featured projects

Zwei Frauen in Schutzhelmen bei der Saatgutauswahl.

Working to help the invisible victims of a broken state

Our featured projects

Four people are planting trees.

Taking the initiative for their own future


An instructor shows a young man how to fix a kettle.

Ghana: a place for innovation


Die albanische Moderatorin Fatma Haxhialiu, eine Frau mit blonden Locken, lächelt fröhlich in die Kamera, im Hintergrund eine Gruppe von männlichen Jugendlichen

Pakistan: a simplified registration procedure facilitates faster flood relief

Our feature projects

Eine Frau arbeitet einer vom Frauenzentrum bereitgestellten Nähmaschine.

A secure future


Die albanische Moderatorin Fatma Haxhialiu, eine Frau mit blonden Locken, lächelt fröhlich in die Kamera, im Hintergrund eine Gruppe von männlichen Jugendlichen

Voices for democracy


Die albanische Moderatorin Fatma Haxhialiu, eine Frau mit blonden Locken, lächelt fröhlich in die Kamera, im Hintergrund eine Gruppe von männlichen Jugendlichen

Sierra Leone: practical training for first-time job-seekers


Ukraine: joining forces to shape the cities of the future


A heroine from Moldova: ‘I am inspired by all the strong women in the community’


Representing Togo in Tokyo: sport unites people


Old homeland, new life


Eastern Ukraine: working through displacement and beginning the healing process


Enthuse, educate, employ: New opportunities on the African IT market


Education for all? Getting through the pandemic with new learning formats


Women on the move: female perspectives enhance safety in public spaces

Our References

Achieving more together with Sport for Development