Education – investing in the future

Education not only boosts self-confidence, improves job opportunities and boosts one’s chances of earning an income, it also improves social cohesion and helps resolve conflicts, both within communities and across national borders. A good education can help address many challenges, from strengthening democracy to economic growth.*

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Opening up access to better school education

Better schooling is characterised by improvements in classroom practices, equal participation by girls, boys and children with special needs and by a respectful school climate that is free from fear. Another key factor is a stable environment that promotes learning. Prerequisites here include good health and an intact infrastructure.


Improving prospects through vocational training

Vocational training enables trainees to acquire the skills they need for their professional career. Courses take at least one year to complete and culminate in a recognised qualification. Obtaining a qualification improves job opportunities and facilitates financial independence.   


Boosting job opportunities through further education

Further vocational training creates better job opportunities for graduates. Measures to enhance the personal and professional skills needed, for example, to apply for vacancies, start a business and acquire basic financial expertise offer them long-term job security. Further training courses run for less than a year.


*The results data outlined here relate to the review year 2021.

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