Campus Kottenforst opens
In Bonn-Roettgen, GIZ trains experts in global sustainable development.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH opened its new training centre in Bonn-Roettgen today. At the ‘Campus Kottenforst’, the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) offers a range of training courses for GIZ staff and employees from a number of international cooperation organisations. One of its core services is preparing experts and advisors for assignments in emerging economies and developing countries.
‘The Campus Kottenforst’ is a “gateway to the world", a key training centre for German development cooperation.’ Dr Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) said. ’We are delighted that staff from 30 sending organisations have such an outstanding facility here in Bonn to prepare them for their invaluable work abroad.’
The new building was constructed in line with the latest environmental standards and the gold certificate awarded by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V). The new two-storey building made from wood and glass houses multi-purpose training rooms, the award-winning learning stations and an interactive area that raises awareness of topics relating to intercultural cooperation. The existing buildings will be used as accommodation and offices. Family apartments and on-site childcare for participants’ children round off the facilities on campus.
The Mayor of Bonn Ashok Sridharan was impressed with the new Academy: ‘GIZ’s Campus Kottenforst is a real asset for Roettgen and for Bonn too, of course, as a key location for international cooperation in Germany. By opening the Campus Kottenforst , GIZ is also strengthening its growing presence in Bonn.’ The Mäanderbau on Friedrich-Ebert-Allee, which is already home to 500 GIZ staff members, will be extended in 2020 to include an additional office building that will house a further 900 employees. GIZ is therefore boosting Bonn’s status as a hub for international cooperation.
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