The latest issue of the GIZ magazine ‘akzente’ is out now
14.09.2015 – Ahead of the upcoming United Nations summit, ‘akzente’ highlights the major challenges in relation to mitigating climate change
Towards the end of this year, all eyes will be turned expectantly towards Paris, where Heads of State and Government will be gathering for what could be the definitive United Nations Climate Change Conference. Will they summon up the strength to push through a new, effective treaty on climate change? The rhetoric in the run-up the summit suggests they might, and the climate for negotiations is constructive. In the cover story in the latest issue of ‘akzente’, Joachim Müller-Jung of the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung explores why some of the gloomy climate predictions of recent years have not actually been borne out and describes where climate change is already evident – and how individuals and countries are taking defensive action to counter its negative impact. Meanwhile, Mary Robinson, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Change, explains in a guest feature why every country in the world now urgently needs to act but why developing countries and industrialised nations are facing different challenges.
Alongside our cover theme, another report in this issue focuses on young carers from Viet Nam working in Germany with elderly people. Germany urgently needs more geriatric nurses, and these young people from Viet Nam are building their careers here. We also report on two financial experts from Deutsche Bank who are volunteering as advisors to rice farmers in Thailand. And we tell the story of some powerful female entrepreneurs in Mali.
The ‘akzente’ app for tablets now provides additional information on all the stories in the current issue. This time, you’ll find a video from the village of Ocote Tuma to illustrate our report from Nicaragua; the village has recently had an ‘electrifying’ experience. Download the app free from your usual app store and find out more about our stories with a simple tap or swipe.