Regional energy efficiency programme South Asia
Programme description
Title: Regional energy efficiency programme South Asia
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: South Asia (non-project-tied regional and global human capacity development funds)
Overall term: 2011 to 2013

This programme provides capacity development measures for energy efficiency experts and multipliers, and it promotes the sharing of international know how. It cooperates closely with three bilateral energy efficiency programmes in South Asia, the ‘Indo-German energy programme’, the ‘Sustainable energy for development programme’ in Bangladesh, and the ‘Nepal energy efficiency programme’. The partners of these programmes include, among others, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of India’s Ministry of Power, the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Bangladesh, the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat Nepal, the Alternative Energy Promotion Center Nepal, and the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry. The programme is coordinated by the human capacity development unit of GIZ India.
Capacity development and knowledge exchange activities in the field of energy efficiency have been carried out in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

Supported by adelphi, a German think tank for policy analysis and strategy consulting, this programme involves a range of different measures, such as training courses, regional and international conferences, and study tours. Through these it enables the participants from South Asia to develop and implement their own training measures and consulting services in the field of energy efficiency.
Results achieved so far
South Asian energy efficiency experts have benefitted from a variety of programme activities.
- Exposure tours to Germany and India, looking at energy management and auditing, and at the financing of energy efficiency
- Regional dialogue on energy efficiency in the brick-making industry
- Regional training, training of trainers and other pilot training measures on energy management systems