Youth for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Mindanao

Project details

  • Project number:2018.4961.1
  • Status:Projekt beendet
  • Responsible Organisational unit: 2A00 Asien I
  • Contact address: Transparency team 
  • Partner countries: Philippines


  • Objectives:

    Ausgewählte staatliche und nichtstaatliche Akteure leisten Beiträge zu gendersensibel ausgerichteter jugendorientierter Friedensentwicklung

  • Client:

    Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit u. Entwicklung

  • Project partner:

    Office of the Presidential Advisor on the Peace Process

  • Financing organisation:

    not available


Volume of commission

  • Total financial commitment:
    (including all previous, current and following project implementation phases, if existing)
    4 000 000 Euro
  • Financial commitment for the actual implementation phase:4 000 000 Euro


  • not available


Previous project

  • not available

Follow-on project

  • not available



  • Entire project:
    (including all previous, current and following project implementation phases, if existing)
    17.12.2018 - 30.01.2023
  • Actual project implementation phase:17.12.2018 - 30.01.2023

other participants

  • Como Consult GmbH


Further information

  • Project websitesnot available


Policy markers

  • Gender Equality

    Significant (secondary) policy objective

  • Democratic and inclusive governance

    Principal (primary) policy objective

CRS code

    11120 Education facilities and training


not available