Psychosocial Support and Trauma Work in Jordan
Project details
- Project number:2016.4072.1
- Status:laufendes Projekt
- Responsible Organisational unit: 3300 Naher und Mittlerer Osten 1
- Contact person: Dr. Friederike Feuchte
- Partner countries: Jordan
- Objectives:
Die psychosoziale Versorgung der Bevölkerung durch staatliche und zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure ist in ausgewählten Aufnahmegemeinden von Flüchtlingen quantitativ und qualitativ verbessert.
- Client:
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit u. Entwicklung
- Project partner:
Ministry of Health (Jordanien)
- Financing organisation:
not available
Volume of commission
- Total financial commitment:
(including all previous, current and following project implementation phases, if existing) 8 500 000 Euro - Financial commitment for the actual implementation phase:8 500 000 Euro
not available
Previous project
not available
Follow-on project
- not available
- Entire project:
(including all previous, current and following project implementation phases, if existing) 21.11.2016 - 31.03.2026 - Actual project implementation phase:01.01.2017 - 31.03.2026
other participants
- not available
Further information
- Project websitesnot available
Policy markers
- Gender Equality
Significant (secondary) policy objective
- Inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities
Significant (secondary) policy objective
CRS code
73010 Immediate post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitat