
Strategic capacity development and knowledge sharing anchor change management expertise within organisations and society.
No one knows more about the local problems and about what has already been done to solve these problems than those actually involved. State employees are familiar with national policies and the legal conditions in their countries. And experts, for their part, focus on how solutions can be transferred from one place to another and keep abreast of the latest international research.
But how do these two groups come together? How do people from two completely different worlds come to share their knowledge, skills and world views? How do they manage to meet on an equal footing and value what the other brings to the table? How can heart, hand and intellect be combined in the spirit of learning? And how is it possible to reach large numbers of people and ensure that they all benefit?
GIZ is an experienced intermediary in the field of knowledge sharing, an open process that, within a defined framework, leads to innovations. Through sharing conferences, BarCamps, study trips and labs, it helps actors exert influence at the local or regional level and set up sector networks.
At the beginning of every project, GIZ and the respective partner develop a strategy for the use of learning opportunities. Learning opportunities are designed to enable people to effect lasting change within the respective frame of reference, and thus contribute to the achievement of project objectives. Learning and personal development on the part of these change agents then leads to reforms in organisations and society as a whole.
With its Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ), GIZ develops a variety of learning formats. These include classroom-based modules for on-site learning as well as new forms of digital learning, support for self-study, conferences and study trips, and training for trainers who will subsequently act as multipliers for the further dissemination of their knowledge. In the Leadership Development workshop, young professionals learn how to develop and implement sustainable solutions for current and coming generations.
Competitions are another way of unlocking potential, rewarding initiative and building bridges between school and the working world, generations, and different actors. They are versatile, foster creativity, support learning and development processes and offer an interesting public platform for commissioning parties and project partners.