Mobility, transport and infrastructure

GIZ supports partners worldwide in designing sustainable mobility, transport systems, and infrastructure.
Modern transport systems are the backbone of successful economies, they are the lifelines of cities and regions, and provide an important economic factor. But modernity does not mean simply moving more traffic faster – it means developing sustainable solutions that are climate-friendly, safe and inclusive.
Avoiding, shifting and improving transport
GIZ's work is guided by the principles of the ‘Avoid-Shift-Improve Approach’. GIZ is motivated in pursuing resource-conserving and efficient mobility which takes into account the needs of the most vulnerable. In concrete terms, this means keeping the volume of traffic as low as possible, for example by avoiding long journeys through compact settlement development. In addition, as many journeys as possible are shifted to environmentally friendly modes of transport. Public transport, cycling and walking are to be promoted in particular. Intelligent traffic management, fuel efficient vehicles and alternative (especially electric) drive technology should make transport more efficient.
GIZ recognizes that any measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector not only improves the climate balance, but also makes a significant contribution to sustainable development in general. If transport and mobility are well planned, this has positive compounding effects on economic growth, social integration, health and quality of life.
To implement this approach, GIZ advises those responsible in partner countries and cities such as national and local authorities, transport operators and the private sector. Our advice focuses on concrete measures that make mobility safer, more climate friendly and equitable - with particular attention being paid to the needs of women and vulnerable groups in order to ensure access to transport systems and safety.
We also advise on the development of reform programmes as a basis for sustainable transport infrastructure planning. Among other things, we support the integration of transport with climate policy, national financing concepts, the development of (urban) transport plans, but also on the ground pilot projects to demonstrate the potential for change. Another aspect is access to funding for such projects, for example from the Green Climate Fund.
We implement our work on behalf of the German government and other clients. Our points of reference are the Paris Climate Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the ‘New Urban Agenda’, the global roadmap for sustainable urban development.
Our measures are embedded in global initiatives that promote sustainable mobility worldwide (see below ‘Global initiatives’).