Current course offers

In addition to our customized services, we offer various ready-made courses on our subject areas, which can be booked via our portal learning.giz.

For group bookings, we are happy to adapt each standard course to your specific needs, both in terms of content and time and place or as face-to-face training, online training or blended learning. Please feel free to contact us

Additional information

Digital Transformation for Sustainable Economic Development - For Development Practitioners

further information and registration

Date: 30.04.2025-04.06.2025
Time: 5 weeks with a total of 30 learning hours

Target groups:

The course addresses development practitioners working in the field of sustainable economic development in Germany or partner countries implementing, planning, or designing a project in the context of digitalising the economy.


  • Introduction to Digital Transformation in Sustainable Economic Development, including basic definitions, rights and principles
  • Digitalising the Economy, including the digitalisation of MSMEs and promotion of start-ups
  • Digitalisation for a Just Transition
  • Policies for the digital transformation of the economy

Labour market policy and employment promotion - Background and concepts

further information and registration

Date: 12.05.2025-15.05.2025
Time: 09:00-13:00 

Target groups:

You are a member of the GIZ staff team or an external customer, i.e. a member of national or international staff in an implementing agency and your work in the field of labour market policy and employment promotions.

In this training course, you will learn about

  • Relevance and impact of employment in the development context
  • Trends and Special Features of labour markets in developing countries
  • Theoretical models and classification of different types of unemployment
  • Active labour market policy and employment promotion
  • Employment promotion in contexts of conflict, fragility and violence
  • Digitalisation and the Future of Work

Economic Policies for a Social-Ecological Transformation of the Economy

further information and registration

Date: 21.07.2025-21.08.2025
Week 1 – 3 (virtual): Introductory virtual training with approximately 15 learning hours (webinars, self-study).
Week 4 (in person): “Deep dives” into economic policy sub-topics for 4 full days (expert insights, practical exchanges, applied group work).
Place: GIZ Bangkok, Thailand

Target groups:

The training may be particularly relevant for:

  • Heads of components or projects, cluster coordinators, or decisionmakers involved in restructuring the country or project portfolio or planning new initiatives in connection with the social-ecological economic transformation.
  • Colleagues directly implementing economic policy projects or acting as advisors to governments on these topics.


  • Relevance and fundamentals of Economic Policy
  • Macroeconomic advisory
  • Industrial Policy
  • Business and Investment Climate
  • Competition Policy
  • Innovation Policy
  • Economic Policy for Women‘s Economic Empowerment

Digital Transformation for Sustainable Economic Development - For Development Practitioners

further information and registration

Date: 03.09.2025-08.10.2025
Time: 5 weeks with a total of 30 learning hours

Target groups:

The course addresses development practitioners working in the field of sustainable economic development in Germany or partner countries implementing, planning, or designing a project in the context of digitalising the economy.


  • Introduction to Digital Transformation in Sustainable Economic Development, including basic definitions, rights and principles
  • Digitalising the Economy, including the digitalisation of MSMEs and promotion of start-ups
  • Digitalisation for a Just Transition
  • Policies for the digital transformation of the economy

Basics and New Trends of TVET in International Development Cooperation

further information and registration

Date: 16.09.2025-18.09.2025
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Place: GIZ Eschborn, Germany

Target groups:

The course is aimed at GIZ employees working in Germany or in the partner countries in the field of education, TVET or economic development. The course is addressed to colleagues

  • who implement or plan a project in the context of which TVET or education play a role, and
  • interested employees from sector projects and the FMB


Besides providing an overview of the basics, different approaches and new trends in TVET, this course focuses on the application of different TVET models and tools in practice. The course further includes an exchange of experiences and approaches in the implementation of TVET projects. The training addresses GIZ employees.

Labour market policy and employment promotion - Background and concepts

further information and registration

Date: 22.09.2025-24.09.2025
Time: 09:00-17:00 
Place: GIZ Eschborn

Target groups:

You are a member of the GIZ staff team or an external customer, i.e. a member of national or international staff in an implementing agency and your work in the field of labour market policy and employment promotions.

In this training course, you will learn about

  • Relevance and impact of employment in the development context
  • Trends and Special Features of labour markets in developing countries
  • Theoretical models and classification of different types of unemployment
  • Active labour market policy and employment promotion
  • Employment promotion in contexts of conflict, fragility and violence
  • Digitalisation and the Future of Work

Evidence of Employment Effects: - Methods and practical implementation

further information and registration

Date: 25.09.2025-26.09.2025
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Place: GIZ Eschborn, Germany

Target groups:

You are a member of the GIZ staff team or an external customer, i.e. a member of national or international staff in an implementing agency, and you are involved in the assessment of employment effects.

During this course you will:

  • Gain an overview of methods for monitoring employment effects
  • Learn about the particularities of assessing employment indicators
  • Gain an understanding of BMZ’s standard indicators of employment
  • Exchange with other GIZ project staff on challenges and best practices
  • Explore how analysing monitoring data can support your project to draw important conclusions for steering

Strategic TVET Management and Institutional Leadership
Course online or classroom training: 21st Century Leadership in TVET - How can changes be successfully implemented?

further information and registration

Date: on request for groups of 10-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 40 hours

This course addresses GIZ advisors aiming at strengthening their capacities to support project partners in the field of management of TVET institutions and other training providers. 21st Century Leadership in the educational sector is based on an appreciative growth-mindset attitude which should be embraced by the whole institution and spearheaded by the management. The course provides an overview of the theory and practice of modern leadership competencies and behaviours in TVET, and the processes needed to initiate a corresponding change process in the institutional environment. The concept of transformational leadership combined with new approaches to agile and change management tools and methods will form the focus of the programme.

Target groups

  • GIZ employees and project staff of other organisations working for a TVET programme or other sector projects with TVET elements

On completion of the training, participants

  • are aware of the interlinkages between 21st century leadership, 21st century education and 21st century skills
  • know instruments to create a school environment that fosters and enables innovation and change projects
  • are able to distinguish transformational leadership from traditional leadership principles and deduce appropriate measures for changes in training institutions
  • are able to identify demands with regard to institutional capacity related to the implementation of change projects and 21st century leadership in the partner institution
  • are able to advice partner institutions to select tools of agile and change management

Please find more offers on the topic area Management of TVET Institutions on our website.

You can contact us via 

21st Century Technologies for Teaching and Learning

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 10-15 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 40 hours (28 hrs synchron, 12 hrs asynchron) in 1-6 weeks

This course is designed to sensitise for and introduce immersive learning in a practice-oriented way. It introduces the spectrum of Mixed Reality (XR) with its technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 360-degree video and 3D. The course enables participants to get to know the different learning technologies and to get hands on experiences. The training shows where and how learning processes can be improved in a meaningful way with XR.

Target groups

  • International experts specialised in TVET training
  • TVET teachers / In-company trainers in the context of GIZ projects
  • Private sector stakeholders
  • employees from GIZ who deal with TVET and sector projects

On completion of the training, participants

  • know basics about the 21st Century technologies – XR (VR, 360, 3D, AR)
  • know the basics of „Immersive Learning“ and the usage of VR/AR in training situations
  • are able to identify when and where VR/AR methodology can be integrated into the teaching environment
  • are able to design didactical units in TVET using VR/AR
  • know necessary appropriate equipment, software/programmes and physical learning environment
  • enhance consulting competence when setting up TVET courses and program activities, incl. VR/AR

Please find more offers on the topic area TVET and Digitalisation on our website.

You can contact us via 

Greening TVET

Greening TVET - Approaches to Green Competence Development

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 10-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 25 hrs (20 hrs synchron within 3-5 days, 5 hrs self-work, coaching on demand)

The ongoing green transition requires a workforce with adequate green skills. The participants will learn the concept and implementation levels of green competence development. They will know how green competences can be identified, trained and assessed in an adequate manner.

Target groups

  • TVET teachers and in-company trainers
  • TVET experts
  • TVET management staff
  • Private sector stakeholders (from all occupational fields)
  • GIZ staff

On completion of the training, participants

  • are able to describe approaches and examples of implementing green competence development in the TVET system on different levels,
  • are able to identify green skills areas for selected occupations,
  • are able to explain how they can involve companies in identifying and developing green competences,
  • can apply selected teaching methods within an action-oriented approach,
  • are able to assess different competence levels by adequate assessment methods.

Please find more offers on the topic area Greening TVET on our website.

You can contact us via 

Greening TVET

Greening TVET Institutions - Frameworks, Features and Approaches

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 10-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 25 hrs (20 hrs synchron within 3-5 days, 5 hrs self-work, coaching on demand)

TVET institutions are requested to transform themselves into sustainable learning venues. With reference to the relevant international activities, the participants will learn about fundamental requirements of green TVET institutions as well as their features and favourable conditions. They will also learn how to apply the Greening TVET institutions approach.

Target groups

  • TVET experts
  • TVET teachers
  • TVET management staff
  • Decision makers from relevant ministries, authorities and institutions
  • Private sector stakeholders (from all occupational fields)
  • GIZ staff

On completion of the training, participants

  • are able to name international activities and approaches on transforming learning venues towards sustainable development,
  • are able to describe the requirements that are placed on sustainable learning venues,
  • are able to explain the characteristics of green TVET institutions,
  • are able to apply the greening TVET institutions approach.

Please find more offers on the topic area Greening TVET on our website.

You can contact us via 

Greening TVET

Greening TVET - Approaches to Green Competence Development

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 10-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 30 hrs 

A greener economy requires a workforce with adequate green skills. The participants will learn which concepts of green transitions are currently discussed on system and on company level and explore what their respective implications are for green jobs and green skills development.

Target groups

  • TVET experts
  • TVET management staff
  • Decision makers from relevant ministries, authorities and institutions
  • Private sector stakeholders (from all occupational fields)
  • GIZ staff

On completion of the training, participants

  • are able to describe policies, strategies and concepts on green economy, green skills and green jobs,
  • are able to name international initiatives, approaches and standards for greening companies,
  • can derive green competence requirements for different groups of employees from these standards.

Please find more offers on the topic area Greening TVET on our website.

You can contact us via 

Areas and Stakeholders in Cooperation

Empowerment of Stakeholders from the Business Sector in Priority Topics

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 12-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 40 hrs in 2-3 weeks

The course aims to empower personnel of companies to initiate and develop cooperation with TVET institutes. It guides the participants through the different areas of cooperation and how to engage in public private partnerships from analysing frame conditions, to making the first contact, planning and conducting cooperation until evaluating and continuous improvement of the involved processes.

Target groups

  • In-company trainers
  • HRD and CSR personnel at companies
  • Shop floor managers
  • Members of industry/trade federations, chambers, industrial zone committees

On completion of the training, participants

  • can describe the different areas, challenges, benefits and process of cooperation
  • can initiate cooperation
  • can discuss the benefits of different stakeholder and arguments for engagement
  • can plan, prepare, conduct and evaluate cooperation

Please find more offers on the topic area Cooperation with the Business Sector on our website.

You can contact us via 

Areas and Stakeholders in Cooperation

Linking TVET Institutes with the Private Sector

Online or classroom training

Date: on request for groups of 12-18 persons
Time: according to your needs 
Duration: 40 hrs

The course aims to empower management and teaching staff of TVET institutions to initiate and develop cooperation with the industry / the private sector.  It guides the participants through the different areas of cooperation and how to engage in public private partnerships from analysing frame conditions, to making the first contact, planning, and conducting cooperation until evaluating and continuous improvement of the involved processes.

Target groups

  • Lecturers and teachers
  • TVET executives and decision makers
  • National TVET experts and consultants
  • from all occupational fields and business sectors

On completion of the training, participants

  • describe the different areas, challenges, benefits, and process of cooperation
  • initiate cooperation
  • discuss the benefits of different stakeholder and arguments for engagement
  • plan, prepare, conduct, and evaluate cooperation

Please find more offers on the topic area Cooperation with the Business Sector on our website.

You can contact us via