Promoting Bus Rapid Transit Systems in Indonesian Cities (INDOBUS)
Project description
Project title: Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)
Commissioned by: Swiss Government through the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Country: Indonesia
Lead executing agency: Kementerian Perhubungan (Ministry of Transportation)
Overall term: 2017 to 2022

Urban mobility has emerged as one of the key challenges in the development of Indonesian cities. The exponential growth of motorisation has increased the severity and duration of traffic congestion across metropolitan areas and major cities in Indonesia.
Mitigating this unsustainable trend, Urban Mass Public Transport Systems must become the backbone of urban transport and become a pillar of the long-term solution to traffic-related problems in metropolitan areas and major cities in Indonesia. The systems offer higher passenger capacity, higher operating speed due to segregated lanes and priority signals and give positive impacts to the urban environment, namely towards shifting from private vehicle use to a mass urban transit system. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has committed to develop urban mass transit in selected metropolitan cities and urban areas by allocating budget for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure development and providing government subsidies for its operation as stipulated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024.
INDOBUS’ pilot cities, namely Pekanbaru, Batam, Bandung, Semarang and Makassar, have developed and implemented a BRT system that adheres to international standard.
INDOBUS supports selected Indonesian cities to develop BRT as the backbone for urban mass public transport and base for integrated urban transport systems through the planning and developing of BRT corridors with segregated lanes. In addition, INDOBUS strengthens public transport management in Indonesian pilot cities to comply with internationally recommended planning and service standards. Lastly, INDOBUS incorporates BRT corridors as the backbone of an urban mass public transport system into the national and sub-national urban transport policies.

Last update: January 2021