

The logo is GIZ’s trademark. The form, colour and typeface of the logo are strictly specified. No changes or additions are allowed. Only GIZ Corporate Communications is permitted to design logo (e.g. office logos).

Provided they meet certain criteria, logos may be created for projects or internal networks, platforms or campaigns. These may not be created without prior consultation with the Corporate Communications Unit. Please contact colleagues at the advisory portal who will be happy to help you: unternehmenskommunikation​@giz.de

You can download the logos from the Download section.


Standard logo with company name (German only)

The visibility and brand awareness of GIZ is guaranteed by the standard logo. Wherever GIZ appears with a logo, this standard variant must be featured.

Only in the case of location-specific publications, invitations or events can the respective location logo (office logo, regional logo for Germany, representation office logo) be used as an alternative to the standard logo.


The standard logo with company name is to be integrated using the following sizes (original file):

  • A4, A5, A6 and DL sizes: 10% of the original file size (13% of the original file size for gif files)
  • A3 (297x420mm): 14% of the original file size
  • A2 (420x594mm): 20% of the original file size
  • A1 (594x841mm): 28% of the original file size
  • A0 (841x1189mm): 40% of the original file size

The same minimum values apply for the following logo variants  as for the  ‘standard logo with company name’:

GIZ logo without company name
In exceptional cases, this logo can be used where the legibility of the company name next to the logo cannot be ensured or where there is no space available for the standard logo. In principle, this applies to the use of the logo in social media. Here, the red version on a white surface is to be preferred. Please contact unternehmenskommunikation​@giz.de for more Information.


Logo variants for GIZ locations in Berlin, Bonn and Brussels
These locations may use this logo variant as an alternative to the standard logo.


Logo variants for offices worldwide
These locations may use this logo variant as an alternative to the standard logo.


Logo variant for International Services
The International Services business area may also use the logo variant shown here as an alternative to the standard logo.


The GIZ logo must not be distorted or modified in any other way (colour, typeface, etc.)! This also applies to animations and videos.



Logo additions (suffix)

GIZ logos with additions

The GIZ logo with an addition is used for the respective case with the appropriate addition (‘Published by’/‘Implemented by’/‘Organised by’). Only the GIZ logo with the addition ‘Implemented by’ may be used in combination with the German cooperation logo.

The additions are to be used as follows:

‘Published by’
Used on publications of all types (e.g. publication, leaflet, factsheet, website ...). GIZ is the (sole) publisher of a media and also appears as such in the publishing information. Other logos placed after the GIZ logo must be labelled with an addition corresponding to the organisation's activity (e.g. ‘In cooperation with’).

‘Implemented by’
Only the addition ‘Implemnted by’ is permitted in combination with the German cooperation logo. GIZ is commissioned to implement a programme, event or specific measure and is the lead executing agency, i.e. in the lead. 

‘Organised by’
GIZ, usually through a programme/project, organises seminars, events, workshops, or for example individual panels/side events as part of a conference (see for example COP) but is otherwise not in the lead and not necessarily involved with own publications. The logo could, for example, appear on a roll-up for the conference in the partner design.  

If you have any further questions, please contact unternehmenskommunikation@giz.de.