Heat and lighting through the winter: ensuring electricity supplies in Ukraine
Large parts of Ukraine’s power grid have been damaged or destroyed by the war. GIZ is supplying the equipment needed to keep people warm through the winter.
Like in many places across Ukraine, the power grid in Mayor Ihor M’s* municipality near Kharkiv has been heavily impacted by the war. The region’s power stations have been damaged or destroyed, cutting many homes and public buildings off from the grid, including the local hospital.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is supporting these communities in safeguarding their power supplies by sourcing equipment like generators, portable power stations, heated tents, solar power systems and mobile combined heat and power units. GIZ is also working with Ukrainian municipalities to restore and improve power systems in schools and hospitals, with the aim of creating a decentralised, energy-efficient infrastructure. It is doing so on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
Super-sized donations
BMWK responded quickly to Ukraine’s call for aid, bringing large German enterprises on board with an appeal for donations. These companies are providing equipment to help Ukraine rebuild its energy grid – including transformers, generators, floodlights and power tools. The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy tells BMWK what is needed where. More than 5,500 pieces of equipment and other materials have been donated since the war began, benefiting over 450,000 people in Ukraine. GIZ is coordinating these efforts.
Stromnetz Berlin GmbH was one of those to contribute, providing 40 refurbished transformers to Mayor Ihor M’s municipality. These standardise different mains voltages, stabilising the power grid.
A transformer also now safeguards the electricity supply to the local hospital. ‘It enables us to provide 5,600 patients and the hospital’s 200 staff with reliable power,’ explains Mayor Ihor M. ‘In addition, GIZ has supplied 48 solar panel modules, meaning we can get our solar power station back up and running.’
* Name changed